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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

36ish weeks in

I am beginning to think I'm not going to make the full 40 weeks. I have a hard time envisioning another 3 1/2 weeks. Ohhhh
Monday was spent at home laying in bed nurseing some bad stomach pains, luckily they only lasted a few hours but still that is too much to not result in anything. Comfort is gone. I'm lucky if I can stay in one position for 10 mins before having to readjust.
And okay I look huge, well at least that is what everyone says. Some lady stopped us when we were grocery shopping on Saturday and was like, wow you totally look like you are going to pop. Here is my question, why would you say that to someone? A lady who was behind her came up to me and was like, wow that was rude. I really didn't care but I totally don't understand the need to randomly stop people as they walk by to tell them stuff. If you don't know somebody, you don't need to talk to them. Like I really value your worthless opinion random person walking around the grocery store.
In other news the nursery is basically done. The chalkboard wall is up. That reminds me, we need to test it out before calling it a day to make sure it doesn't need any more coats of paint. Maybe I'll do that tonight. As long as that is fine, all we need to do is final decoration touches. Some wall decals, stuffed animal hammock, Levi is apparently going to be hanging star wars planes from the ceiling... I'll have to get some photos taken once I put up the decals.
So I'm sitting here eating a Pear, I've been like non-stop eating. Hoping I won't get another lecture from the Dr about losing weight. It's not like I'm doing it on purpose. All I do is eat. The baby just wants to be a chubby little thing when it comes out, so it's zapping all the nutrition right up :)

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