age ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 27, 2011

2 Weeks Old

Happy 2 week birthday Vallyn!!

Sleepy little baby, hope you nap good when sleeping with daddy on the couch.

Back from our 2 week checkup with our pediatrician. Everything is looking good, and we are told we have a very well behaved and healthy baby. Perfectly symmetrical, everything is in the 60 percentile, head/weight/height. Surprised there were no shots at this visit. We are all good to go until the middle of December for a 2 month check-up, that's when we get all shot up.
Everything seems to be going well so far. We are still working on that whole sleeping at night thing, but we can generally make it 4-5 hours with 1 feeding before we wake up and are up for the rest of the night. Looking forward to that resolving soon as I would like to get a little bit of sleep in, but it's fine for now.
The puppies are taking it to be there personal job to safe guard the little guy. Every little noise, they come running to check him out and make sure it's all okay. Actually right now Evie and Twister are cuddled up next to Vallyn on the couch. Happy little family.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Baby Vallyn Has Arrived

Welcome to the world.
Vallyn Havok Ott
9 lbs 2 oz
21 1/2" long
35" head circumference
7:55 pm 10-13-11

Had to photograph the scale in case someone didn't believe us :)

Daddy giving Baby Vallyn his 1st bath. We actually like getting our head scrubbed up and washed. Must be a water baby.

Trip home on Sunday. First time trying out the car seat. Actually went very well and we really liked the drive home. Bumpy roads are our friends.
What a big world it is out there. Vallyn couldn't decide if he wanted to be scared or ready to take on the world. There was no crying though, so I'm going with him thinking he is king of the world.

 So after a week and a half of steady contractions at 2 mins apart, we got admitted to the birth center Thursday morning at 6am to try induction. We had an ultrasound on Monday that said the baby was 8 lbs 15 oz, but those can be off by a pound in either direction. Regardless, we started the pitocin at 6:30 am and got our water broke shortly after. It didn't take too long after that before I needed the epidural to help with controlling my pain. After that happened, I was in happy land and was basically pain free.
However, it became obvious that no matter how bad of contractions I was having (and they were pretty high on the chart, we got the intensity measured by an internal monitor) our little baby was not coming out through the normal means and had to proceed with plan B.
At 7pm, we started the c-section. I am told that everything was very large. The baby was large, the placenta was twice the size of a normal one, the cord had to get a different tool to be cut with as the normal cutter wouldn't do it. And the doctor, who is 5'9, had to get a stool to be able to get tall enough to get Vallyn out. Anyways, it was a good thing we went c-section because his head is too large to fit thru the birth canal and he wasn't going to be able to come on his own. Good thing we live in the modern days, if I had this baby back in the day, I would have died in childbirth
 The downside of a big baby, is a hard c-section. I will spare everyone the details :)
so at 7:55pm Vallyn joined us in the world and Daddy took him to meet the grandparents.
About 10:15ish Mommy was awake and was ready to watch Vallyn get his 1st bath.

We are now at home and watching the big sisters Twister and Evie sniff and welcome their little brother. For the most part, the puppies don't seem to mind Vallyn. They do come running over when he makes noises just to check on him and make sure everything is ok. They look like they are going to be great friends.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ohh a Slow Labor

So here we are. Day 3 of contractions.
Day one wasn't too bad, they were monitored at a steady 5 mins apart. I got sent home to progress on my own and come back the next day.
So Tuesday, day 2, much more painful and constant contractions. Monitored at 2 minutes apart very consistently. Still not dilated enough though. They say the baby itsn't in distress and they would prefer me to just keep progressing at my slow pace and aren't going to intervene to help speed things up until absolutely needed.
So Wednesday, day 3. Still at the same pace. Having a hard time moving, but I am not going back to get monitored today. I'm getting sick of going for an hour, them telling me, yup you are having steady painful contractions that in a normal person should have resulted in a baby by now, but you are weird and your body doesn't want to cooperate. Thanks worthless doctor, I'll just lay here with contractions every 2 minutes for another day again.